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Greetings & Welcome to KingdomStreams

The purpose for this website is to provide resources for the body of Christ to grow into all the fullness of Christ and of the Holy Spirit, and to see and treasure and more effectively proclaim the good news of His glorious person and kingdom.

Everything on these pages should be easy to copy and paste. Nothing is copyrighted, but attribution of authorship is appreciated. I hope something herein will encourage you and perhaps enlighten you re: Jesus’s person, kingdom purposes and ways. And if it does, I would be delighted if you could tell someone else about it or maybe use it in your ministry to others.

I’ve been studying the Bible for 40 years and attempting to practice and teach it to others, albeit with no where near the devotion and obedience of which He is worthy. Over the years I have compiled a wide variety of studies, sermons, articles, and such, that I intend over time to post herein. And of course I will be posting fresh writings most every week.

God bless you richly, and thanks for stopping by. And thanks to Zach & Danny for photos, and to Luke for helping to create and design and oversee this website.

Yours in Christ,


P.S. Re: sermons – when I preach, I do not read my sermons, so my spoken sermons always have twists and turns that my manuscripts do not. You can access some of my spoken sermons at

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