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Divine Strategies Amidst Darkness & Destruction - Daniel ch.6
(These are the notes I preached from yesterday. You can find the link to the video here: ....
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Pursuing the Greater Gifts- I Cor. 14
(In the beginning of my sermon on July 7, 2024 I explained why especially with this chapter we need to be “… humble, contrite of spirit,...
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Securing Undistracted Devotion to Christ
(These are the notes I preached off of this morning in our church worship gathering. Here's the link to the video:...
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The Big Picture of Colossians   Â
(I worked off these notes for my sermon today. Here is the video link - Opening Prayer The...
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The Call & the Path to Fellowship I John 1:1-10
(These are the notes I worked off with my sermon this morning in our worship service. Here's the link to the video:...
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Spiritual Slumps & Sanctuaries- Psalm 73
(These are the notes I preached from this morning in our church worship service. Here is the link for the video on our church Youtube...
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 Adam & Kristina’s Wedding Ceremony
(It was my great privilege yesterday to officiate at the wedding of Adam Ramos and Kristina Gates. Adam came to know Christ through the...
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Worship & Judgment Revelation 19:1-21
(I preached from these notes yesterday. Here's the link to the video if you want to watch it -
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Learning from the Church in Sardis – Revelation 3:1-6 – July 30, 2023
(These are the notes I worked off from for my sermon this morning at The Well. Here is the link for the video:...
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The Blessing of Uprightness
(These are the notes I worked off of this morning in my sermon. Here's the link for the video on our church website:...
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Raising a Righteous Standard in Marriage-- Song of Songs 7 & 8
(These are the notes I worked off this morning in my sermon. Here is the link for the video:
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Guarding Against Marital Complacency - Song of Songs – chps. 5,6
(This is the gist of my sermon this morning in our church service. You can watch the video here:
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Solomon & Debra’s Wedding Ceremony – March 26, 2023
Yesterday was a very special day. I asked Solomon if we could post their ceremony for those who didn't get to be there. I stayed pretty...
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Danny’s Graveside Service
(These are the notes I worked off of for Danny's Graveside service this morning 2/28/23) We’ve just gone through a very intense and...
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Danny’s Memorial
(These are the notes I worked from for my address last night - 2/27/23 - at my older brother Danny's memorial. If you want to watch it on...
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Quiet Times & Knowing God
(This is the gist of what I preached yesterday 1/1/23 in our church. Here is the link if you want to watch it on our church youtube site:...
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Signs/Preparation for the Coming Revival, Awakening, Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
(Dear Readers – I had very minimal notes to work from this past Sunday and since I had to lead worship (along with Brent) and preach,...
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Mary, Joseph, Jesus & Cities
((Dear Reader – I preached this basic sermon two days ago (12/11/22) in our church. I worked off the notes below, though said lots that...
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Joseph, His Brothers, & Dreams Fulfilling - Genesis 42:1-38
(I preached this sermon with minimal notes on 10/9/22 so I’m trying to re-create it from memory mainly for those who listen to it on our...
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Family Bonds & The Kingdom of God- Genesis 25:19-34
(This is the gist of what I preached this morning. Video can be seen herein: ) INTRODUCTION...
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