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Lessons from Antioch; Beachhead via RTB – Acts 11:19-30

Updated: Nov 27, 2019

March 16, 2014 INTRODUCTION – My word on Friday afternoon from Jer. 31:3?? Beachhead – a secure initial position that has been gained and can be used for further advancement; foothold:

Why do we believe RTB is going to be a Beachhead in our greater region? Powerful gospel proclamation to many people in a short period of time; the church praying and working together like never before; the church developing more effective ways to shepherd and disciple new believers; increased faith that we can do great things by working together and for the greater good.

4 lessons from the beachhead established in Anitoch Acts 11:19-30 on how you and I can more effective and fruitful in this great work we are called to of evangelism and discipleship in our region – – I. Evangelism best happens through those who learn to see God’s hand in their circumstances – even difficult ones! Vs. 19, 20 (read it)

These disciples from the church in Jerusalem had probably lived there all or most of their lives. Now they have been uprooted thanks to the widespread persecution that kind of exploded with Stephen’s murder. They easily could have been bitter; or they could have decided that proclaiming the good news of Christ and His kingdom only gets one in trouble. But instead they are just looking for opportunities to spread the gospel in the places they have been scattered to

Persecution not this bad here yet. But there are other ways ….I believe this principle can apply to us.

Examples of the van starter going out in avila with carol, anne,…. Caroline came and got them and I waited and waited for the AAA guy. Ride to smitty’s and then home

Our appliances – one after another and conversations with repairman – gave bible

Prayer Requests: – pray that we will all learn to see what God is doing in our adverse circumstances and join Him in it more quickly when we get stuck somewhere or

– pray that we will all learn to not complain and grumble and wonder why God allowed this circumstance to happen…

II. When God’s people are about God’s business, God’s hand will be with them. Vs. 20, 21 (read it) These Jewish believers got with God’s program for the gentiles, and God blessed them with His power and presence; and used them to establish His church in a pagan corrupt city that became a powerful sending church.

Matt. 28:19,20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Prayer Requests: – pray that we will all learn to get out of our comfort zone with the kind of people we interact with (ex. of Jewish believers going to gentiles). Starts with our prayer lists. – Pray that we will grow in faith and expectation of God’s showing up and doing His part.

III. We must develop God’s heart for discipleship and shepherding and completion in Christ, and be willing to do what it takes to fulfill it. Vs. 22-26 (read it) A. The church in Jerusalem – seemingly as soon as they heard about these new converts – sent Barnabus off to Antioch (300 miles north)

B. Barnabus on his own ministered for some period of time – vs. 23 – – he wasn’t satisfied with just getting converts or church members.

C. Barnabus and Saul – vs. 25 Barnabus just wanted to get the job done. He didn’t care if he was in the forefront or the background. Barney after this will begin to fade and Paul will begin to be in the forefront

Prayer Requests: – That we would all develop a greater passion for seeing new believers grow and get grounded in the grace of God and would be willing to sacrifice like Barnabus to make it happen

– That we would work together – seeking reinforcements when we need it – caring not for recognition, but only that the job gets done ex. of ex neighbors (don’t mention name) – how long we have prayed

IV. We must develop God’s heart and move on it for the wider body of Christ – vs. 27-30 (read it) These disciples in Antioch had not known the Lord very long, but were more than eager to take part in this offering for those in greater need.

Prayer Requests: – Pray that all believers in our region will develop more of God’s heart for the wider body, and specifically that we will all want to see RTB pulled off successfully and the budget raised.

– Pray for the KMI CA retreat starting tonight at 6:30 – ending Tuesday around noon CONCLUSION

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