When the devil is called the god of this world, it is not because he made it, but because we serve him with our worldliness. Simeon
The triumphant Christian does not fight for victory; he celebrates a victory already won. Captain Reginald Wallis
A blind, anemic, weak-kneed flea on crutches would have a greater chance of defeating a herd of a thousand wild stampeding elephants, than the enemy has of defeating God. Ray Comfort
We…are locked in a battle. This is not a friendly, gentleman’s discussion. It is a life and death conflict between the spiritual hosts of wickedness and those who claim the name of Christ. Francis A. Schaeffer
Our God is Jehovah of hosts, who can summon unexpected reinforcements at any moment to aid His people. Believe that He is there between you and your difficulty, and what baffles you will flee before Him, as clouds before the gate. F.B. Meyer
The real conflict is inner conflict. Beyond armies of occupation and the catacombs of concentration camps, there are two irreconcilable enemies in the depth of every soul: good and evil, sin and love. And what use are victories on the battle-field if we ourselves are defeated in our innermost personal selves? Maxmilian Kolbe
Jesus defeated Satan in Gethsemane on the cross, not by directly confronting the devil, but by fulfilling the destiny to which He had been called. The greatest battle that was ever won was accomplished by the apparent death of the victor, without even a word of rebuke to His adversary! Francis Franggipane
Darkness is completely inferior to light. Most of the church has too big of a devil. You didn’t have a good day till you confronted the impossibilities of life and saw them yield and bow to the name of Jesus. Bill Johnson
A person who wholly follows the Lord is one who believes that the promises of God are trustworthy, that He is with His people, and that they are well able to overcome. Watchman Nee
What you tolerate, dominates. Bill Johnson
We are not to live in reaction to the devil. We are to live in response to God. Bill Johnson
Prayer enables us first inwardly to overcome the enemy and then outwardly to deal with him. Watchman Nee