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Whole Earth Praying

 Every morning I start off my day meditating on a Psalm. My psalm yesterday was 72, which speaks of the reign of the righteous king. Great blessing was intended by God for His people when their kings reigned righteously. Sadly not many ruled in the way of righteousness clearly proscribed by their God.


But the Psalm ends with a focus on Israel’s God (and our God) and a prayer in keeping with the kind of God He is. Let’s read it and then I’d like to make a comment or two about it.

Vs. 18 “Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, Who alone works wonders.

Vs. 19 And blessed be His glorious name forever; And may the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen, and Amen.”


Vs. 18 is an intended contrast of Israel’s God to the best/most righteous of Israel’s kings. They cannot work wonders. Only God can. King David knew this well.

David’s desire in vs. 18 is that God – the person – be blessed for He is unlike any other. He does routinely what no other being could ever even think to do.


In vs. 19 David’s desire is that God’s glorious name – that is – all of His attributes be blessed and honored and revered and appreciated and known.

Then he prays a prayer based on God’s person, God’s amazing works, and God’s amazing attributes that “the whole earth be filled with His glory.”


Now when David prayed that - he meant that all the people who fill the earth would see and be impacted by God’s glory.  The more David saw God’s glory and majesty and goodness and greatness the more he wanted everyone else to see it and experience it. And he apparently had faith that that could happen.


Should we have that kind of faith?  Should we pray that kind of prayer?  Can God overcome all of the evil and wickedness and corruption and debauchery and darkness and pour out His Spirit in such a way that the whole earth is impacted? Or have we gone too far in our rebellion and idolatry and godlessness? 


I’m casting my vote for God today based on this passage and so many others. And based on His great revivals and awakenings in church history.

Remember some of the greatest moves of God in history happened at some of the darkest times in history. Pray on dear brothers and sisters!! His strong desire is that “…none should perish but all come to repentance.” (II Peter 3:9). God bless you for believing and praying!!

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