Attaining God’s Highest by the Promises of God
Lie, Lied, Lying, Lies, Liar, Liars in Old and New Testaments
Passages For or Against God’s Covenant Commitment to Israel
The Core Issue for Israel and for the U.S.A. from Jeremiah
The Blood of Jesus
Mandate; Purpose; Motivations & Attitudes re: the Call to Preach/Teach
Sharpening our Focus on Worship
Healing in the Book of Acts
Overview of Healing Ministry of Jesus Christ
Foundational Theology in the Old Testament re: Healing, Sickness & Sin
Commands in the New Testament to Believers Re: Satan & Demons
What We Should Expect From Our Children or Defining the End Product of our Parenting
A Parent’s Building Permit
Why We Believe in the Local Church
A Study of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
“Filled with or Full of the Holy Spirit”
A Biblical Theology of God’s Revelation Regarding Cities
Attitudes of Minister & Church Re: Pay or Remuneration
Clear Biblical Responsibilities for Wives Towards Their Husbands
Clear Biblical Responsibilities for Husbands Towards their Wives